Career Profile
I work for Institute of Semiconductors, CAS as an assistant professor, and my research area is computational condensed matter physics.
My advisor is Dr. Xiangwei Jiang. My research interest is in the development of the transport code for large-scale system.
My advisor is Dr. Lin-Wang Wang. We develop a ab initio code to suimulate the transport phenomenon in large-scale system which contains more than serveral thousands atoms.
- A quantum transport code based on plane wave pseudopotential DFT calculation and the original PEtot code.
Computer Physics Communications 260, 107737 (2021)
2020 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 22.3.1-22.3.4 (2020)
2019 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 24.6.1-24.6.4 (2019)
ACS Applied Electronic Materials 1(10), 2103-2108 (2019)
Nature Materials 17, 1108–1114 (2018)
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9(34), 29273-29284 (2017)
Chemistry of Materials 29(5), 2191-2201 (2017)
Advanced Electronic Materials 2, 1600191 (2016)
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18, 16367-16376 (2016)
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 59, 60-65 (2014)